Flowers will Bloom, Birds will Sing as well as Cheeks will glow When You wear the new BECCA Mineral Blushes in Hyacinth, Lantana as well as Nightingale

new Mineral Blushes by BECCA, $32 each
Flowers, birds, brights as well as BECCA — four of my preferred things.

GURL, there’s so much to like about these new BECCA Mineral Blushes that I don’t even understand where to start. bright poppy pink Hyacinth, reddish poppy Lantana as well as deep mulberry Nightingale are the current additions to the brand’s bodacious Mineral blush line, as well as if you have medium-toned or darker skin (or, if you just dig blushes with cray-cray intense pigment), you’re gonna freakin’ flip your hair when you see these new powder blushes.


BECCA Mineral blush in Hyacinth

BECCA Mineral blush in Lantana

BECCA Mineral blush in Nightingale

Have you tried any type of of BECCA’s Mineral Blushes before? If you haven’t, then dude! — get on that ASAP. Seriously, put it on your to-do list, since their blushes are the best. PARAS. Like, if the makeup authorities ever confiscated all of my other blushes as well as said, “K, you are hereby bought to only wear BECCA blushes for the rest of the year…” I would really be okay with that.

I phone call these my “No mo’ drama blushes” since they’re consistently high in pigment, simple to manage (I can sheer them out or develop them up, no problem), smooth as well as last as much as 10 hours on my combo dry/oily cheeks. rather a few of the shades are just ordinary naturally beautiful, like Damselfly…


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I wanna put Damselfly on ideal now.

Wait — sorry. We were speaking about the new shades, weren’t we? Silly me as well as my quickly distracted crazy feline woman mind.

Regarding the three new shades here, BECCA didn’t disappoint. They’re best for vibrantly flushed yet still natural-looking cheeks (think: day spent sunning as well as surfing at the beach).

BECCA Mineral Blushes from the left: Lantana, Hyacinth as well as Nightingale
Hyacinth, Lantana as well as Nightingale are smooth, long-lasting as well as hella bright…and maybe perhaps even a bit intimidating, am I right? I can absolutely see myself wanting to inspect myself before I wreck myself with these blushes, lest I end up appearing like the babysitter who showed up at the front door using a crazy-@ss muumuu as well as as well much rouge…

Wearing BECCA Mineral blush in Nightingale
But please — PLEASE don’t let their intensity deter you. provide ’em a try anyway. If they make your heart leap (which they do for me), all you may have to do is somewhat change your application method. If, when you tons your blush brush, you just barely dip it into the pan as well as then lightly swipe the clean against a paper towel to eliminate a lot of of the product, you’ll be grand. then buff as well as develop as needed.

Wearing BECCA Mineral blush in Hyacinth
Wearing BECCA Mineral blush in Lantana
Most skin tones must be able to play well with these shades, with the possible exception of the lightest lasses (although they’re worth a try). as for my darker-skinned damsels, babes! — you’re going to look extraordinary in any type of of these new shades.

And ya understand what? That’s one more thing I like about BECCA. They make products for a large variety of skin tones.


Big ups to brands that pay interest to all the colors of the rainbow.

PRICE: $32 each
AVAILABILITY: new in the long-term line as well as offered now on the internet as well as at Sephora as well as Ulta
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