Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 518

It’s a beautiful day to be alive ?

So…what is the Monday Poll?

No, se ei ole juuri kysely. It’s much more of a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past 11 (!) years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you delight in reading mine.

1. What’s one of your best high school memories?

Most are just small things, but there are so numerous to choose from! What really stand apart for me are the little things that I miss so much now as an adult.

One of my best ones, and Cindy would probably disagree with this, but it was on a day when we had a written test in honors history class (because we were nerds in that way), and I remember this clear as day. It was senior year. We were in the car. Jen was driving us to school, and Cindy was like, “Are you ready for the test?” and I was like, “No, not really.” I hadn’t studied for it. I can’t remember why, but I didn’t.


It was going be an essay test, so I asked Cindy, “Well, what did you learn last night? give me the bullet points,” and she broke it down for me over the course of the drive. From the time we got into the car, got to school, and then left the car was about 15 minutes, and Cindy told me everything she studied, everything she learned. The highlights.

We go in, and we both take the test…

I got an A on it and Cindy got a B. and she was pissed! I can’t blame her.


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

2. What’s the last show you marathoned?

I’m always starting shows with a bang, and I’ll view for a few hours but never finish. but the last show I marathoned from start to finish was The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Prime Video.

It’s by the people who did Gilmore Girls, which is probably why I liked it so much.

3. favorite decade?

I mean, I could do without the spiral perm coming back, although I’m down for hair that reaches for the sky, but certainly the ’80s. The music was so much fun, and even though I had such a hard time with high-waisted pants back then, I’ve come around to appreciating them much more with my mother bod.

Also, all of the leggings we wore back then are making a comeback again, too.

4. will you be my lucky charm?

Only if you’ll be my lucky star.

5. Peeps: love ’em or hate ’em?

I wish you could see my face all scrunchy best now. ?

In theory, I don’t like them. There’s something about the texture that isn’t appealing to me…but if you put one in front of me, I’ll go there.

New yummies

Changing up my breakfast game
What was for breakfast this morning? You know it’s my favorite meal of the day so I had to ask. Well, it’s one of my favorite meals of the day. I’m a big fan of lunch and dinner, too, and the snacks in between. HAHA! but breakfast is my fave, which is why I looked around for some new breakfast yummies while I was grocery shopping over the weekend. They’re pretty healthy too!

Starting with… Dave’s killer whole Wheat Bread. I like the nutritional numbers, and this dude on the package (I’m assuming he’s Dave) cracks me up.

I don’t know why a muscled man playing guitar on a loaf of bread is so funny to me, but I dig it!

Also: Thomas’ English Muffins double protein Oatmeal With Cinnamon. There’s 7g of protein in each muffin. I toasted one this morning and topped it with a tablespoon of peanut butter and YUM! Niin hyvä.

I also picked up Dannon Light ‘N’ fit Greek Yogurt in Strawberry Cheesecake because in some cases I wake up wanting dessert for breakfast. Wait… that never happens to you? Olet hullu!

I found all these yummies at Target, by the way, because the one in our town has a grocery section. and yes, it’s awesome.

So, Monday. looks like it’s going to be a sunny day here in northern California. I feel like it’s gonna be a good one, too. If you need some extra cheer, allow me to be your cheesy cheerleader and remind you that it’s a beautiful day, an absolutely beautiful one, to be alive. I know, very cheesy, but in some cases you need a little bit of cheese in your life. pleased to offer it for ya.

Ystävällinen naapuruston charmin addict,



P.S. Seuraavassa on kysymyksiä kopioida ja liittää vastauksiin kommentissa:

1. What’s one of your best high school memories?
2. What’s the last show you marathoned?
3. favorite decade?
4. will you be my lucky charm?
5. Peeps: love ’em or hate ’em?

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