Meikki sekä valitusblogi maanantai kysely, voi. 234

You may be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
No, se ei ole paljon kyselystä. Se on paljon enemmän vain säännöllisesti kehittyvää (harvoin?), Jonkin satunnainen huolenaihe Olen laskenut vierailijoille joka maanantaiaamuna viimeisten neljän vuoden aikana. Olen aina nautinnut lukemaan vastauksiasi kommentteihin, samoin kuin toivon, että sinulla on ilo lukea minun.

Voin hyvin. I’m truly looking ahead to getting out of dodge later this week as well as driving as much as Tahoe with El Hub for the weekend. even though I see the person every day, it’s not the exact same as getting away with him for a chunk of time, just the two of us (no tabby).

Wide-leg pants or skinnies?
Hmm… I feel like I look a bit taller in wide-leg pants when the cut is ideal as well as I’m using heels (nevermind that I really am a bit taller when I’m using heels, haha).

But the skinnies, I like that I can wear them with boots, flats, Chucks/Vans or heels. They work with just about everything.

So I assumption the skinnies then, considering that they’re a bit a lot more versatile, as well as you understand exactly how I am about versatility!

What’s your least preferred fronzen treat?
Orange sherbet, BLECH! I likewise don’t do orange Push-Up pops. They make me gag…

Is there anything about yourself you’re currently working to change/improve?
Is there ever! At the top of the list: forgiveness. I have a difficult time letting things go when somebody does me wrong. I can bring a grudge…well, I can bring a grudge forever.

I’m trying to get much better at letting things go, which doesn’t necessarily indicate that things ended up being all puppies (kitties) as well as rainbows, however I do believe that life is as well short to hold grudges. What’s the point, right?

When did you begin driving?
Later than a lot of of my friends. I believe I was 19 or 20. I didn’t drive in high institution since whenever I even broached the subject, my daddy would go on 20-minute tirade about exactly how he as well as my mommy took the bus anywhere when they very first transferred to America, as well as exactly how driving was “a privilege! Not a right!”

So I got my very first cars and truck when I was in college. It was a red ’95 Honda Civic that I liked to pieces, as well as it’s really still running! My parents have it. I swear, that bit trooper will be zipping up as well as down 880 long after the zombie apocalypse arrives, I youngster you not.

If you were going to record a tune with a featured guest artist, who would your featured artist be?
If we’re speaking living or not, I’m opting for Biggie.

If we’re just speaking living, well, I dunno. perhaps the Biebs? however a lot more to just be able to tell him exactly how much I like those cardboard cutouts of him I keep seeing at Macy’s (those things fracture me up!) as well as to chat with him about fragrances.

How do you like your heels? Low, medium or high?
How about somewhere in the middle between medium as well as high? I’ve been trying to wear a lot more low-heeled shoes though. I understand they’re meant to be much better for me in the long run, however man! — I’m just so short.

Joskus mietin…
…who wrote the book of love! Why growing up can be so painful. If when Tabs stares at me, he’s staring with like or disdain. Where I’ll be in five, 10 as well as 15 years. If I’ll ever compose that young adult book I’ve been believing about writing…

What do ya state we strike off our obligations today as well as do something fun instead? Where must we go, what must we do?
How about window shopping? We might satisfy in the city at Union Square, hit up all the shops, try on some shoes, as well as then afterewards, I’ll drive us out to Cole Valley to get some ice cream at The Ice cream Bar.

Kuka on mukana?

Viikoittaiset tavoitteet:
To show Tabs extra, additional interest this week (even though he has a petsitter, he always freaks out when I’m not around), to discover a few potential locations to eat as well as fun things to perform in Tahoe, as well as to compose like a maniac!

G’morning, sweets. wait — not a word about last night’s true Blood please. I fell asleep reading before I might enjoy it.

I started a new book last night called Delirium, by Lauren Oliver. It’s one more young adult one. I’m hoping it’ll tide me over up until the second book in the enclave series (Outpost) comes out on September 4 (I’m counting down the seconds!).


I hope you’re having a great morning so far. Tabs keeps nudging me to take him for his morning walk, so while I go entertain my neighbors by walking my feline on a leash, why don’t you take a second to fill out the Monday Poll?

Be ideal back.

Yhteensä maanantaina kyselyn, kopioi vain noudattaa luetteloa, samoin kuin liitä se vastauksillesi kommenteissa.

1. Mieliala:
2. Wide-leg pants or skinnies?
3. What’s your least preferred fronzen treat?
4. Is theRe:
5. Milloin aloitit ajo?
6. Jos aiot tallentaa virheen, jossa on esillä oleva vierasarteilija, joka olisi esillä taiteilija?
7. Mitä pidät kantapäät? Alhainen, keskipitkä tai korkea?
8. Usein ihmettelen …
9. Let’s lakko koulun / työn sekä tehdä jotain hauskaa. Missä meidän täytyy mennä niin hyvin kuin mitä meidän on tehtävä?
10. Säännölliset tavoitteet:


En voi uskoa, että olemme lähes elokuussa jo. Mikä oli mielenkiintoisin asia, jonka teit tässä kuussa?


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

Ystävällinen yhteisön valituslääketieteesi,


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